HotStar provides an interface that is very easy to work with. When you first download the program, you will be able to browse through the library and start off with everything that you want. If you are looking for some of the best movies on DVD, this is a great place to start. It has a wide selection of recent releases as well as older classics. They have a wide array of TV shows available as well. For example, they have lots of classic movies for you to choose from. Many of them have been popular for decades, so you are bound to find a film that you will love. The service also provides lots of family favorites as well. If you are looking for a romantic comedy, there are plenty to choose from. The romantic comedies on the HotStar list are: Old School, Saturday Night Live, American Pie, and Meet the Parents. If you prefer a drama, you can choose from such films as Gladiator, Pretty Woman, Law And Order, and The Pursuit Of Happyness. You will have a hard time getting bored with the movies on HotStar. The choices are all good, high-quality films. However, there are some that you might not find appealing. One movie that you might consider is Meet The Parents. The parents in this movie are incompetent at raising their own children, so they end up putting together a plan to get the kids back from their new grandparents. The main storyline involves a high school reunion and a long series of unfortunate events that drive the family members further apart. One of the funniest scenes happens when Macaulay Culkin’s character realizes how much his mom was willing to sacrifice for him. He was too young to see it coming, but he had already spent enough time away from home to realize that he loved his mom. For this scene, Macaulay Culkin gets to show off his acting skills. He gets to display his usually great comedic timing. The best movies on Hotstar include movies about cars and driving. We always love to see cars on the road, especially in the summer months. If you prefer a movie about a car chase, then choose Collateral, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or The Pursuit of Happyness. If you prefer movies about trucks and drivers, then choose Grand Piano, Crazy Heart, or The Pursuit of Happyness. There are many other choices you can make as well. If you love action, choose The Matrix or Kill Bill. These are two of the best action movies ever made. However, if you’re into drama, choose Quincey de Leon, or Any Given Sunday. This list is just an appetizer, so if you really want to see all the best movies on HotStar, then you should definitely buy the DVD box set. No matter what kind of movie you’re looking for, you can probably find it on this site. If you don’t know what you want to watch, you can even choose from the genres that HotStar recommends for you. For example, if you’re a martial arts movie buff, then choose something in that niche. That way, you can always have a movie night with your friends. HotStar has hundreds of great movie selections. However, they categorized their favorites into different categories. So, if you want to see action movies, you can choose from the Action category. Or, if you prefer Italian movies, then you can go for the Italian genre. There are just so many genres to choose from. Now, it’s up to you to choose from these lists of movies. Choose the ones that you think are the best. Or, of course, skip them and look for newer movies on the market. But whatever you decide, make sure to check back on HotStar often. Once you’ve watched your favorite movie on HotStar, you can share it with all your friends and family. And, the best part is – your friends and family can watch it on HotStar, too. They can just download the movie, burn it to DVD, and bring it along on their vacations. Or, you can pass the word about the movie that you’ve just watched on HotStar. Who knows, maybe someone will be watching a movie on this site who might become your next viral video star.