Reading manga differs from reading an English-language comic, book, or magazine. Manga is a Japanese comic book style. Take some time to study this essay about popular series before you start reading your first manga. MangaFox is the ultimate website for all readers of manga. A website where you will find all the Manga you would like to read. From old to new. From legendary to popular. You will find any type and genre here.  And if you are searching for alternatives, the websites below are all free for everyone and constantly offers the latest manga collection ever. If you cannot access the site or you are looking for the site’s alternative, we have a great list for you to check out. Here are the 21 websites like MangaFox for you. Keep visiting SoftAlien you will get more post like these, we have also posted 21 similar websites like ,MangaPanda, WatchCartoonOnline, KissCartoon, GogoAnime, TodayPK Movies.

21 Websites like MangaFox

Disclaimer: Reading MangaFox online for free may or may not be illegal. We are listing the following sites only for educational purpose, We do not recommend you illegally read the site for free.

1 21 Websites like MangaFox1.1 MangaDex1.2 Shonen Jump1.3 Crunchyroll1.4 FanFox1.5 MangaPanda1.6 Bato.to1.7 Manga Reader1.8 Comixology1.9 Manga Here1.10 Manga Stream1.11 Book Walker1.12 KissManga1.13 MangaKakalot1.14 Manga Freak1.15 Manga Rock1.16 Manga Club1.17 Comic Walker1.18 TenManga1.19 Mental Manga1.20 Read Comic Books Online1.21 ComicBookPlus1.22 Conclusion


MangaDex is a great alternative for fans of MangaFox. It has the same huge manga collection and offers the free and latest manga releases. The website has a great community of manga readers which shares their ideas and talk about their favorite manga titles. If you are an avid fan of a certain manga and you want to find people that share the same enthusiasm like yours, you should be able to find like-minded people here. Visit the site now. – Official Site Link – As of writing this, MangaDex is currently down until further notice. Share Mangas with your friends and family via GBWhatsApp and WhatsApp Plus.

Shonen Jump

Shonen Jump is the source of all great manga titles such as One Piece, and Dragon Ball Super, and Boruto. The website only offers licensed and paid chapters of the Shonen Jump releases, so this means that this will cost you some money. If you are looking for a legit and official Shonen Jump manga releases, this is where you can get them. Check their site now on the link provided. – Official Site Link –


Crunchyroll is the premium source for all your manga cravings. It offers 14-day free trial in which you can read and consume as much manga chapters as you want. This is the best source for all your favorite manga. – Official Site Link –


This FanFox site is another alternative manga website for MangaFox main website. If you cannot access the, you can use the alternate link so you will not have to miss a chapter anymore ever. – Official Site Link –


MangaPanda is another highly recommended manga source that you can get for free right away. This website has a huge library of manga titles, and you will never have to look for another source again. Manga Panda is constantly updated for new chapters so you will always get to read your favorite manga title on time. Visit MangaPanda now and never miss another episode again. – Official Site Link – As of writing this, MangaPanda has been shut down. is a fairly laid out website with all the basics and important features ready for clicks. The overall website offers an easy access manga content that lets you browse around its collection in a simple interface. may look simple, but as you learn how huge their library is, you will be surprised to know how much manga titles that you can find here. And the best part is that it is free. – Official Site Link –

Manga Reader

Manga Reader is a free manga website source for manga lovers with no money. The site is free anytime and anywhere using any device that you have. The site has a user-friendly interface so you will not have to get confused as soon as you reach the site. The sad part is that the Manga Reader website has a bad mobile view mode. In short, the site is not mobile-friendly. It’s like a great library of treasures on an awkward container. But still, if you want a great alternative for MangaFox, the Manga Reader is the way to go. – Official Site Link – As of writing this, Manga Reader has been down and unreachable for more than month.


Comixology is a paid premium website where you will get all your favorite manga titles for a low price. The site is a legit and licensed source for all the manga releases so you will not have to worry about piracy or legalities. – Official Site Link –

Manga Here

Manga Here is the website when you want your manga latest chapter on mobile devices. The site is mobile friendly, and you will have all the popular manga titles in the touch of your finger. The site not just offer your favorite manga titles but they also offer the latest news and some spoilers on the side for those who want clues about the future of their favorite stories. This way, you get to boast about learning what others do not know yet. Check the Manga Here website now. – Official Site Link –

Manga Stream

The Manga Stream website is one of the best manga translating website for English fans. The site also offers the latest chapter releases so you will have the newest story right on your device. If you love Manga Stream, you should bookmark their website now for one-click access. – Official Site Link – As of writing this, MangaStream has been shut down.

Book Walker

Book Walker is a paid website that offers tons of manga titles for all manga fans. If you are looking for a great list of legal manga titles and with the latest chapters, you can never go wrong with Book Walker. If you like , what Book Walker has offer then visit the site. You may also subscribe for constant update of your favorite manga. – Official Site Link –


When it comes to ultimate manga collection, the KissManga is one of the top choices. They have the widest collection of manga titles plus the daily update. So if you have tons of favorite manga series, this is the site that you should be staying with. Visit KissManga now and subscribe to their services. You will not regret it. – Official Site Link – As of writing this, KissManga has been shut down.


The MangaKakalot website is a great website with thousands of manga titles to choose from. Get the latest from your favorite manga series as soon as they are available online. All you have to do is bookmark the page and subscribe for the latest updates to go straight to your inbox. – Official Site Link –

Manga Freak

Manga Freak is a mobile-friendly website with tons and thousands of popular manga series up to date. This website is the go-to for millions of manga lovers worldwide. And if you belong to those millions of manga fans, you should know the Manga Freak site by now. If not, just click on the link and head there immediately. – Official Site Link –

Manga Rock

Manga Rock is the rock and roll of manga collections. And if you think you already found the best website for all your manga cravings, you have not seen anything yet with Manga Rock. Visit the Manga Rock website now and feel excited each time a new chapter gets released. You will definitely love it. – Official Site Link – As of writing this, Manga Rock has been shut down. Install MxPlayer(Best video player app ). Check now for the latest version.

Manga Club

Manga Club is the Wattpad of all your anime title. It has tons of manga titles and a user-friendly interface. Although it does not have a wide collection, but this site offers great and quality content. There are a lot of titles here that you can appreciate especially if you love teenage stories and all. – Official Site Link –

Comic Walker

Comic Walker is the manga source that stays true to its core. The site has three language-based themes for different manga fans out there. So whether you are a Chinese, Japanese, or an English manga fan, you can always switch to one to other in just a click or two. – Official Site Link –


TenManga is one of the top hosts for all things manga. Whatever manga series you are after, they have it here. From the most popular titles to the rarest ones and even the recent ones, this site will not disappoint you. You can check the site now to get the list of manga series that you might want to be a fan of in the future. You will surely love the site. – Official Site Link –

Mental Manga

Mental Manga is the paradise for all manga fans. It has a simple and intuitive web user interface that will make you feel at home at once. This website is never short of manga series and is being continuously updated on a daily basis. – Official Site Link –

Read Comic Books Online

If you are looking for comic series online, look no further as this site will be your next hideout for all things comics. And by comics, we mean the western version of manga series. There are no manga titles here but some good old comics from Marvel and some other popular comic brands. Check out this website if this is your kind of reading materials. – Official Site Link – As of the writing of this article, Read Comic Books Online is unreachable and presumed to be shut down.


This is a premier site for legally availability of all Age comic books, with free downloads, online viewing plus a friendly forum, and more. – Official Site Link –


If you’re a manga fan, the sites listed above will supply you with a manga collection, a variety of manga comics, manga genres, manga comics, and a manga list. Find new and ancient manga, as well as popular and obscure manga, to find your favourite manga comics. Manga comics are available in a variety of formats. You should check the sites given in the article and choose the ones that suits your needs and satisfies your avid manga reader self. Search for your favorite manga comics. Read online mangas through these sites. The websites have a friendly user interface and allows you to navigate the website very easily. manga lovers can find their sweet spots. There are always  fake release or fake chapters claiming to be legit chapters. But these sites are safe. You can also access to proxy sites using public DNS services or alternative DNS service because they hide service status activity and do a Mangafox Sign Up. These were all accessible manga websites with your best-loved manga, famous manga, favourite manga, and many online mangas. Lots of platform for manga readers to read online manga comics! If you are regular manga readers leave a reviews of manga comics in the comment section below to help ardent manga readers like you! We would like to hear your valuable feedback on this manga website Alternatives and if you have any query please leave it in the comment section. We have Customer Service here for you.

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